KS1 Project – How do our mistakes help us to learn?

The Key Stage 1 project is on ‘Living and Learning.’ The aim of this project is to enable the children to answer our driving question ‘How do our mistakes help us to learn?’ Throughout this topic we will be focusing on our Vincentian value ‘We believe in practical...

LKS2 Project – Staying fit and healthy

LKS2 Summer 2022 Project The project is investigating the Vincentian Value of ‘We build relationships based on trust’ with the key driving question ‘How can we teach others about staying fit and healthy?’ We will begin our project by looking at what it means to be fit...

Early Years: Superheroes project (Spring 2022)

Here is the project for the youngest children in our school in Reception. It is  on ‘Superheroes’ with our driving question being, ‘What makes a superhero a hero?’. It links with our Vincentian value of ‘we are respectful of the dignity and wishes of the individual’...